For every payment option available in your shop, you have the ability to include additional fees that will be visible at the checkout stage. These can either be a percentage of the order or a fixed amount. Once a shopper selects the payment method with extra fees during checkout, the additional cost is added to the total order amount.
You can utilize payment-specific fees to accommodate supplementary expenses. For instance, covering transactional costs imposed by your payment gateway or an additional fee incurred through your Cash on Delivery service.
Incorporating fees to a payment method
For every payment option in your shop, you can include a fee, or additional fee that will be displayed during checkout if a customer selects that particular payment method. The fee is added to the total order amount after all discounts have been applied. The fee always has your shop’s standard tax rate applied, even if a product itself has a distinct tax rate. Additionally, aside from checkout, the fee is visible in customer order notifications, invoices, and order details.
To include a fee for a payment method:
- Navigate to Payments from your shop admin.
- Select the desired payment method.
- Scroll down to Payment method fees and click Add payment method fees.
- Input the desired amount for the fee. To apply a percentage instead of a fixed amount, select % from the dropdown menu.
- (optional) Within the Payment instructions for customers section, click Set payment instructions at checkout and provide an explanation for the fees. Customers will view this additional note during checkout.
- Click Save.
That’s all. Once your customers opt for this payment method during checkout, the supplementary fee will be appended to the total order amount:
Eliminating fees from a payment method
You have the option to waive fees from a payment method. Following the removal of a fee, your customers will not incur any additional costs when selecting that payment method during checkout.
To remove fees from a payment method:
- Access Payments from your shop admin panel.
- Select the payment method to which you added surfees.
- Scroll down to Payment method fees and click Remove fee.
- (optional) If there was a brief explanation for the fees, delete it from the Set payment instructions at checkout field.
- Click Save.